Here you can configure application settings: 

A hidden sentence will appear at the top of the screen with the missing letters you need to discover. The letters of the alphabet will be displayed at the bottom of the screen (menu of letters and characters).

Your task is to discover the entire content of the sentence, but by choosing as few letters as possible.

You select letters using the Drag and drop action by moving the desired letter from the bottom of the screen anywhere to the top of the screen.  Even simpler, you can select a letter by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard.

If a letter exists in a hidden sentence, it will be displayed.

As the demo mode is turned on, the content of the hidden sentence will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

When you are done, click the button at the bottom right of the screen to display the next task.

It is not allowed to return to the previous task.

Results by items:

Points = For each correctly solved item user get 1 point regardless of the length of the stimulus.

Moves = number of user moves within the item (drag and drop and/or keyboard).

Min-moves = Minimum number of moves with which it is possible to successfully solve the item (the number of missing different characters within the item).

Redundancy = this variable indicates a redundant number of moves relative to the minimum possible. The minimum value is 0 in case the user hit all the missing letters from the first attempt (which is almost impossible). Calculated only for successfully completed items.

Descriptive statistics for Redundancy:

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