Application settings:
Number of items:
Request type (conditions): each word must be of a certain length each word must begin with a certain letter each word must end with a certain letter each word must contain a specific letter each word must not contain a specific letter each word must begin with one specific letter and end with another specific letter each word must contain 2 specific letters each word must not contain 2 specific letters each word must contain 3 specific letters each word must not contain 3 specific letters all possible conditions - mixed Select the type of words the user must type in the answer field.
Parsing (reading) direction: Left-to-Right Right-to-Left Left-to-right text direction. This only applies to direction of reading for the typed words within the text box for entering words. The application will process all typed words in this direction.
Letter type: Original lowercase UPPERCASE The text box for entering words will only display lowercase letters.
Specify the Delimiter character between the words in the word entry multi-line text box: Newline Whitespace Comma Colon Semicolon Underscore The user only needs to enter one word in each line of the text box. This is probably the safest option (Enter or Return key)
All letters of the alphabet are used: Yes No All letters will be used in the requests (pseudorandom).
If you do not want all the letters of the alphabet to be used in the requests (conditions), you can deselect the ones you do not want to use here. The minimum number of checked letters must be 3.
Minimum word length to be accepted as valid: This is the minimum validity threshold. All typed words that are less than this threshold will be invalid (0 points), regardless of whether the word is in the dictionary or not.
Timer is enabled Yes.
Total task time (seconds): 00:10:00
Select Font family of the text: This is a text example for the selected font. Test here if your browser supports the selected Font Family.
Select font size of the text: xx-small x-small small medium large x-large xx-large Font size of Request text and multi-line text input control
Enable backward - display the button for the previous item: Yes.
Progress bar shows: Items Time Nothing The remaining time until the end of the task will be displayed. Only when timer is enabled.
Demo mode: On. If you click the Check button at the bottom of the screen, you will receive feedback on the validity of all typed words.
Load your Alphabet letters:
Here you load the letters of the alphabet in your language (non-English alphabet) from the text file. If you use the non-Latin alphabet you must load the alphabet in your language. These loaded letters of the alphabet will be generated in the conditions in each item. When loading from a text file, letters of the alphabet that are repeatedly typed or are written in a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters are eliminated (eg c, C, .. B, b, only c and B will be loaded). Also, all blank (empty) characters are ignored. Tip: For optimal use of the application, if you use your own alphabet letters, all the letters of the alphabet should be written in lowercase or exclusively uppercase letters in the text file you are loading (not necessary).
Load letters (alphabet):
Split your data by using a common Delimiter character. A delimiter character is usually a line break, comma, space, semi-colon.. This character separates each part of data within the text string.
Load the letters of the alphabet. If Delimiter character in your file is not Newline enter value here: Turn this option on if Delimiter character is Newline. Turn this option off to set another Delimiter character.
Number of letters of the alphabet currently loaded:
Once you load the user-defined Dictionary and/or Letter (Alphabet, grapheme), you cannot restore the default settings (English dictionary and Latin alphabet) without page reload. So, to return to the default settings, you need to reload this application (most common keys: F5, CTRL + R, F5 + CTRL depending on the web browser used).
Click to reload the page. This resets your currently entered settings.
Load your Dictionary (words):
From the text file you can load all the words that the application will recognize as correct if they are entered in the multi-line text box. Tip: For optimal use of the application, if you use your own custom dictionary, all words in the text file you are loading should be written in lowercase or uppercase only (not necessary).
Split your data by using a common Delimiter character. A delimiter character is usually a line break, comma, space, semi-colon.. This character separates each part of data within the text string.
Load the dictionary. If Delimiter character in your file is not Newline enter value here: Turn this option on if Delimiter character is Newline. Turn this option off to set another Delimiter character.
Load dictionary:
Number of words loaded from the dictionary:
At the end of the task, show the number of words in the dictionary that meet the set conditions (requests): No Yes
As this application uses a pseudo-random stimulus generator, it is always possible to generate a condition that is difficult (or even impossible) to satisfy. This is especially true when the number of words in the dictionary used is small. For example, the total number of words in the dictionary containing the letters ["I", "E"] is not equal to the total number of words in the dictionary containing the letters ["X", "Y"]. Therefore, if you want to make sure that the application did not specify a condition that is difficult to achieve, you must enable this option to check the frequencies and percentages of all words in the dictionary that meet the specified conditions for each item. If you enable this option, 2 additional columns will appear at the end of the task in the first table. The Total column will contain the total number of words in the dictionary used that meet the set condition in the corresponding item. The Percent column will contain the percentage of words in the dictionary used that meet the set condition in the corresponding item. Formula for Percent = (100 * Total) / total number of all words in the dictionary used. The disadvantage of this is that this check is an extremely extensive and time-consuming process , so if you use a slow and weak internet connection, or you have a slow web browser (CPU), your web browser may "freeze" at the end of task.
Storage (useful for group research):
Storage: No Yes This web application will not store results within your web browser. Data is lost when the browser tab is closed
There are no saved results in your web browser.
Legend for Saved cumulative (group) data:
score = The sum of all points in the task
mean = Average - score.
sd = Standard deviation - score. Calculated with Bessel's correction (n-1).
dir = Parsing (reading) direction. 1 = Left-to-Right. 2 = Right-to-Left.
def-dic = If 1: the default Dictionary are used. If 0: user-defined Dictionary from a text file.
def-let = If 1: the default Alphabet letters are used. If 0: user-defined Alphabet letters from a text file.
stat = At the end of the task, show the number of words in the dictionary that meet the set conditions (1 or 2).
The other columns (options) generally follow the order of options in a top-down direction.
Your browser probably doesn't have support for the Web Storage Object or access to the Storage Object is disabled. Check your browser settings. In some browsers (example: IE11) Storage Object is not enabled when accessed in a local file (offline).
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