Options: Generator

Within this tab, you can set the following settings.

Order of presentation of stimuli:

Do not forget that the setting: Number of repetitions of this stimulus affects the total number of repetitions of each stimulus in the final Stimulus List. You can adjust this setting by double-clicking on the selected Stimulus within the Stimulus list.

Forbidden (error) keys:

The first option is the strictest, the last option is the mildest.

Note that the user may press more than one keyboard key when a single stimulus is presented. The application continuously monitors all keystrokes, and if any keyboard key is pressed that meets the above criteria for an incorrect response, an error (0 points) is automatically assigned to that stimulus.

As for the correct reaction, the reaction time for the first correct key press is always counted. This application uses the "key pressed" event. This event is generated when a keyboard key is pushed down. See KEY_PRESSED here. The user does not have to release the key on the keyboard for the reaction time to be registered. If at any time after the start of the time trigger the user presses any key that meets the error criteria above, that stimulus is assigned 0 points.

Visual Thread priority

Visual Thread is responsible for displaying visual stimuli (images). It is also the parent Thread for Audio thread objects.

A thread is a thread of execution in a program. The Java Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of execution running concurrently. Every thread has a priority. Threads with higher priority are executed in preference to threads with lower priority. Note that Thread Priority Changes can sometimes have the opposite effect than desired. The set default settings (Normal priority 5) are suitable for most research designs.

More information on these links:

Thread (computing)

Class Thread

Audio Threads priority

Audio Thread is responsible for playing audio (wav) files. If you are not using audio files in your research, this option is completely irrelevant. In most cases, it is not recommended to set a higher priority level of the Audio Thread than the priority level of the Visual (Main) Thread.

If you do not want to save the changed settings within the Option Window, you must explicitly click on the Cancel button when closing this window. Closing this window with "x" (Close) or Save and Close , automatically saves all (changed) values.