Quick-start guide (quick reference guide) for PRG

The main principle of working with the PRG application is:

Left column - Middle column - Right column.

Since the middle column is initially empty, the first thing you have to do is Populate the table.

When the Table and middle column are filled, the following Blue rule applies.

Blue rule: Everything in the middle column with blue font color can be moved to the Stimulus list using a drag and drop (DaD) action.

Adding a new file to the stimulus.

You can do this in 4 different ways.

1. Highlight a row in the Table (blue font), and drag it to the Stimulus list using the drag and drop (DaD) action. The release point must be a Stimulus or a file within a Stimulus. Follow the mouse pointer to the approximate release point. There is no specific feedback during DaD, other than the mouse pointer changing visual form.

2. Click on the File path label (blue font), and use the drag and drop (DaD) action to drag it to the Stimulus list. The release point should be a stimulus or a file within a stimulus within Stimulus list.

3. Select the stimulus or file within the Stimulus list. Click on the File+ button on the Bottom toolbar. This action inserts the file AFTER selected file in Stimulus list.

4. Highlight the file within the Stimulus list. Click on the +File button on the Bottom toolbar. This action inserts the file BEFORE selected file in Stimulus list.

Adding new stimuli to the Stimulus list

You can do this in 4 different ways.

1. Click on the text "Empty stimulus" (blue font) and use the drag and drop (DaD) action. Drop this text in the desired location on the Stimulus list.

2. Select the Stimulus or Reaction within the Stimulus list. Click on the Stimulus+ button on the Bottom toolbar. This action inserts the new empty stimulus AFTER selected Stimulus.

3. Select the stimulus within the Stimulus list. Click on the +Stimulus button on the Bottom toolbar. This action inserts the new empty stimulus BEFORE selected stimulus.

4. Click the Stimulus or Reaction within the Stimulus list. Press keyboard INSERT key. This action inserts the new empty stimulus AFTER selected Stimulus. Same as choice 2.

Moving a File or Stimulus within the Stimulus list

You can do this in 3 different ways.

1. Select (click) the stimulus or file within the Stimulus list. Drag and drop this selected item to a new location within the Stimulus list. So use drag and drop inside the Stimulus list. You can always select only one file or stimulus. Selected stimulus can moves from one Reaction to another. For example you can use drag and drop to move the selected stimulus from Reaction 3 to Reaction 9.

2. Select the stimulus or file within the Stimulus list. Click on the Move+ button on the Bottom toolbar. This action moves the selected file or stimulus DOWN (after) within Stimulus list.

3. Select the stimulus or file within the Stimulus list. Click on the +Move button on the Bottom toolbar. This action moves the selected file or stimulus UP (before) within Stimulus list.

Delete the file or stimulus from the Stimulus list

You can do this in 3 different ways.

1. Select (click) the file or stimulus within the Stimulus list. To delete file click the Delete File button on the Bottom toolbar. To delete stimulus click the Delete Stimulus button on the Bottom toolbar.

2. Click the Locked button on the Bottom toolbar. This button now has the text: Unlocked. Select the file or stimulus within Stimulus list. Drag and drop the selected item to the outer edge of the Stimulus list. The selected item (file or stimulus) will be deleted. The release point of the item to be deleted should be within the Stimulus list (along the outer edge or at the bottom).

3. Click the file or stimulus within the Stimulus list. Press keyboard DELETE key. The selected item (file or stimulus) will be deleted.

Deleting a file within the Stimulus list has nothing to do with your file system, i.e. a file on your computer is never deleted.

How to adjust settings for a specific file?

For example, the setting Time duration of displaying the image file (ms) has a default value of 1000ms. What if you later want to change this value to 300ms for a specific file?

You can do this in 2 different ways.

1. Double-click the desired file in the Stimulus list.

2. Select (1xclick) the desired file in the Stimulus list. After that, click on the Properties button located on the Bottom toolbar

Set the desired settings within the File properties dialog box.

How to adjust settings for a specific stimulus?

For example, the setting Number of repetitions of this stimulus: has a default value of 1. What if you later want that stimulus to be repeated 5 times in the Stimulus list?

You can do this in 2 different ways.

1. Double-click the desired stimulus in the Stimulus list.

2. Select (1xclick) the desired stimulus in the Stimulus list. After that, click on the Properties button located on the Bottom toolbar

Set the desired settings within the Stimulus properties dialog box.

How to choose the correct keyboard key for any Reaction (1..10)?

Inside the Top toolbar, click on the Keyboard button and select the desired key on the keyboard.

How to save a previously created research model?

Inside the Top toolbar, click on the Save as or Save button.

How to open a previously saved research model?

Inside the Top toolbar, click the Open button.

How to save research results?

Inside the Top toolbar, click on the Results button. Click on the Save button.

Do I have to use all the Reactions on the Stimulus List?

Not. The minimum number of Reactions you must use within your research model is 1 (simple reaction time). The maximum number of Reactions you can use within your research model is 10 (choice reaction time).

Can I skip Reactions in the Stimulus List? For example, can I use only Reaction4 and Reaction9 in my research model?

Yes. You can.