Options: Resolution

The Resolution tab is useful if you have several Computer monitors (Display devices) connected to your computer, or if you want to change the Refresh rate on your Computer monitor.

Within this tab, you can set the following settings.

Subtract Display delay when calculating rt:

If you select Yes (default), when calculating the reaction time for each visual stimulus, the minimum time required to fully draw the screen content will be subtracted. The stopwatch will start only when 100% of the content of the trigger image is drawn on the screen.

If you select No when calculating the reaction time for each visual stimulus, the stopwatch will start when the image file has started to appear on the screen. So the stopwatch will start at the moment when drawing the image file is not yet completely finished. We think it makes sense to choose No only if your research model calculates a simple reaction time (use only one Reaction) and use only one file within each visual stimulus. In this case, the Participant can properly react to changes in the brightness (color) of the screen background, and not to the content of the displayed image. The reaction time for the Yes option is always lower than the same reaction time if the No option is selected. If you select the No option, the DD column in the cumulative results table will have a value of 0.

If an audio file is set as a trigger, this option has no effect.

Select Display device (Monitor):

Here you can choose the desired monitor, if you have several computer monitors connected to your computer at the same time. The selected monitor must support Full-Screen Exclusive Mode, since each research is run using Full-Screen Exclusive Mode. Honestly, this option has never been tested, because I don't have multiple computer monitors connected to the same computer, but in theory, it should work correctly.

Full-screen exclusive mode is available:

This method returns whether or not full-screen exclusive mode is available. Must be true for this application to work properly.

Is display change supported:

If this method returns false, the operating system does not support changing the display mode.

Default display resolution:

Returns the current display mode of default screen device

Select the desired Display resolution:

To enable this option, first select I will use: Selected Display resolution (see option below). Here you can select the desired display resolution for selected computer monitor. Changing the refresh rate of the monitor is useful if you need to display images on the screen for a very short time.

Try selected resolution

Enables testing the selected monitor resolution in Full-Screen Exclusive Mode. Every research within this application is run using Full-Screen Exclusive Mode. Full-screen exclusive mode is a powerful feature that enables you to suspend the windowing system so that drawing can be done directly to the screen.

I will use:

You must always choose the Selected Display resolution option if you do not want to use the Default Display resolution.

If you do not want to save the changed settings within the Option Window, you must explicitly click on the Cancel button when closing this window. Closing this window with "x" (Close) or Save and Close , automatically saves all (changed) values.