Keyboard Keys

This application uses the keyboard for correct Reactions within research. The "key pressed" event is used. This event is generated when a keyboard key is pushed down. See the time sequence for KEY_PRESSED here.

Inside the Keyboard window, you need to set the correct keys on the keyboard that will represent the correct answer to each Reaction 1..10. It is enough to set the correct keys on the keyboard only for the Reactions you use in research. For example if the keyboard key "X" is set for Reaction 7, for each stimulus found within the Stimulus List in Reaction 7, this keyboard key represents the correct reaction.

You may not choose the same keyboard key for more than one Reaction.

The number of points that the user will receive within the stimulus (0 or 1) depends not only on the set correct key, but also on the other set Research Options. For example if the user pressed the correct key prematurely (Anticipation error), 0 points will be added for that stimulus.

By default, the numeric keys on the left side of the keyboard are set to the correct keys on the keyboard for Reactions 1..10. If you want to use the Numeric keypad (right side of the keyboard), select: NUMPAD0,NUMPAD1..NUMPAD9. In doing so, you must check whether the Num Lock or Numeric Lock key is turned on.

Important: not all keyboard keys are supported, as some keyboard keys have a global function and are partially dependent on your Operating System (OS). You may not use such keys for research. Check the selected keyboard key at the bottom of the screen. If the keyboard key is supported, its name will be displayed. Otherwise, do not use such a keyboard key.

Click on the text box below and press the desired keyboard key on the keyboard. If the background color of the text box below changes to green while holding down the keyboard key, probably you can use this key in research. When you release the key, the detected keyboard key name will be printed. Despite this check, we strongly advise you to try the selected keyboard key within the research screen (Full-Screen Exclusive Mode). Avoid OS - related global system keyboard keys (ALT, CTRL, Windows key,..).

Related topics: Forbidden (error) keys