Method of final calculation of reaction time

The method of final calculation of the reaction time shown in the tables of detailed results, as well as the table of cumulative results, is shown here.

Let's mark it like this:

If the image file was marked as a time trigger, each final reaction time shown in the results tables was calculated as follows:

time = rrt - iLag - DD

If the option Subtract Display delay when calculating rt is set to the value No, then the following applies: DD= 0. See here.

If the audio file was marked as a time trigger, each final reaction time shown in the results tables was calculated as follows:

time = rrt - iLag

This way of calculating the reaction time is a consequence of the assumption of the installed non-realtime OS. The ideal situation would be that there is no Input lag (iLag = 0) and no Display (output) lag.

From the formulas above, it is clear that the Calibration process (Input Lag) directly affects the calculation of the reaction time. If you are comparing the results of the same research model (eg on several different computers), it would be ideal if the Input lag measured by the calibration process is equal. The same applies to the DD parameter.

Related topic: Calibration