Stimulus Tab

Interstimulus delay (ms):

Enter the desired interstimulus delay for this stimulus. Units are milliseconds. Pay attention to the allowed range of values. If the entered value does not meet the allowed value range, your entered value will be rejected, without any warning. If you check Set as default, the entered value becomes the default, so that the next inserted Blank stimuli have this newly entered Interstimulus delay value. Interstimulus delay timer starts running from the moment when the playback of the last file in the current stimulus is completed and the Maximum allowed reaction time has expired or the user has pressed a defined keyboard key before the Maximum allowed reaction time has expired.

This is similar to the interstimulus interval (ISI) or the time between stimulus presentations. However, in reality the ISI is always longer than the set value of Interstimulus delay. The Interstimulus delay parameter is additionally connected to the Maximum allowed reaction time parameter. See here. Interstimulus delay starts running after the first keyboard key press, regardless of whether the reaction was correct or incorrect. For example, if it is set:

Maximum allowed reaction time = 5000

Interstimulus delay = 2000

If the participant (user) presses the key on the keyboard 550ms after the trigger is turned on, then ISI=550+2000=2550. If the participant does not press the keyboard key at all, then ISI=5000+2000=7000 (ie ISI will have the maximum possible value). The earlier the user presses the keyboard key, the shorter the ISI will be. Since all files are preloaded in the interstimulus interval, the application will wait until, for example, the last bit of the image is loaded into the working memory, which can result in an increase in the ISI parameter (especially for a large number of files within the stimulus). If the user continuously holds down (multiple) keyboard keys in the inter-stimulus period, this can slow down the loading of the next stimulus, and thus increase the ISI. Prompt users to release the key after pressing.

Number of repetitions of this stimulus:

Enter the desired number of repetitions of this stimulus. For example if you type 7, this stimulus will be shown to the user 7 times. Related topic: Generator. If you check Set as default, the new entered value becomes the default for each new Empty stimulus.


Category is an arbitrary integer numeric label with which you group the stimuli from the Stimuli List, so that you can later perform additional numerical analyzes of the data with this category. Category is completely independent of Reaction, for example you can create several different categories within the same Reaction. The category is useful if you plan to export the data from the Cumulative Results table and do additional numerical analysis of the data outside of this program. If you check Set as default, the new entered value becomes the default for each new Empty stimulus.

Number of files within stimulus:

Shows total number of files within this stimulus.

Stimulus type:

Shows the Stimulus type. A stimulus is a Complex stimulus if it contains more than 1 file. A stimulus is a Simple stimulus if it contains only 1 file. A stimulus is an Empty stimulus if it contains no files. It will be deleted the first time you start the research model (Run button).

You must respect the warning Allowed range of values is. Otherwise, the newly set value will be discarded without any warning when closing this dialog.

If you do not want to save the changed settings within this dialog, you must explicitly click on the Cancel button when closing this dialog. Closing this dialog with "x" (Close) or Save and Close , automatically saves all (changed) values.

You can display this Dialog Box in one of these ways:

  1. Double click on the some File or Stimulus in the Stimulus List and then select Tab Stimulus
  2. Select the desired Stimulus (or File) in the Stimulus List and click on the Properties button on the Bottom toolbar