Timeline Tab

This table shows the time sequence of playback of individual files within the selected stimulus. The table shows which file represents the time trigger. The units of time in the table (as well as throughout this application) are always milliseconds (ms).


The file name is displayed in this column of the table.


The start time of the display (or playback) of an individual file is displayed. In the case of the interstimulus interval (interstimulus delay ISI), the negative time is only symbolic. As the image files are always displayed serially (one after the other), the Time-Start for a specific image file within the stimulus depends on the Time duration of displaying the image file parameter for all previous image files within this stimulus. As audio files can be played in parallel (at the same time), the Time-Start parameter for a specific audio file within a stimulus is always only related to the end of the interstimulus interval after the end of the previous stimulus. The Time-Start parameter for an audio file is equal to the Start playing an audio file setting. The Time-Start parameter for the image file is equal to the sum of the display duration (Time duration of displaying the image file setting) of all previous image files within the stimulus, if they exist.


The Time-End parameter for a specific image file within the stimulus is equal to the entered setting Time duration of displaying the image file. The Time-End parameter for a specific audio file within a stimulus is equal to the duration of the audio file multiplied by the number of repetitions of this audio file (see: Number of repetitions (playback) of this audio file: here). You can check the duration of the audio file within your operating system.

Trigger (t=0)

The trigger setting is explained in detail in the Image File and Audio File tabs. If the file is marked as Trigger, a "stopwatch" is turned on to measure the reaction time. If you have explicitly marked the file as a trigger, then the text Yes (user-set) will be in this column. If the trigger is automatically set by this application, the text Yes (auto-set) will be written. In most research models, you don't need to take care of the trigger ie. you can let this app set the last played file within the stimulus as a time trigger.

You can display this Dialog Box in one of these ways:

  1. Double click on the some File or Stimulus in the Stimulus List
  2. Select the desired File or Stimulus in the Stimulus List and click on the Properties button on the Bottom toolbar