Table structure of the detailed results stored for each stimulus

In each research model, the following 8 columns (types of information) are stored for each stimulus:

  1. Stimulus. Ordinal number of Stimulus within final Stimulus List. Item number
  2. Time. This is the Reaction time (in milliseconds ms). The method of final calculation of the reaction time shown in the tables of detailed results, as well as the table of cumulative results, is shown here. Time started to be measured from the moment the trigger was turned on, and stopped after pressing the correct (or incorrect) keyboard key. This reaction time is only valid if the next column (Points) has the value 1 and if the Errors column = 0. In all other cases, it is invalid. Unless explicitly stated, all calculated statistical analyzes within this application are calculated only for valid reaction times. The registered reaction time is always displayed (regardless of whether it is valid or not). If the value of this column is 0, it almost always indicates that the displayed reaction time is invalid.
  3. Points. Points (0 or 1). This column depends on the error flag column. If the error flags column is equal to 0, then the points column for this stimulus is equal to 1 and the reaction time is valid. If the error flag column is non-zero, then this column takes the value 0 and the reaction time is invalid.
  4. Error. Error flag column. Sum of errors for this stimulus. This column indicates a correct or incorrect reaction. This column must have a value of 0 for the reaction time to be valid and for the user to receive 1 point for this stimulus. In order for the reaction to be correct, all these conditions must be met at the same time: This column explains in more detail the cause of the error (if the error exists within the stimulus). This column must have a value of 0 for the reaction time to be valid and for the user to receive 1 point for this stimulus. This column can have unusual values because the total error is obtained as the sum of the "simple" errors. Here are some of the "simple" errors:
  5. Reaction. Number of the Reaction to which this stimulus belongs (Reaction1.. Reaction10)
  6. Category. Number of the Category to which this stimulus belongs. You define the Category here.
  7. Trigger. If the value of this column is 0 , then the last played file within the stimulus was set as the time trigger. This is the default value, and in the vast majority of research models this column must have the value 0. If the value of this column is different from 0, check that you have not accidentally set the wrong time trigger inside the stimulus. For example if the stimulus consists of these 5 files played in this time sequence: image1.jpg, image2.png, audio1.wav, audio2.wav, image3.bmp. If this column has a default value of 0, then image3.bmp was set as a trigger. If this column has the value trigger=-1, then audio2.wav was marked as a trigger. If this column has the value trigger=-4, then image1.jpg was marked as the trigger (the first file).
  8. SysErr. Sum of application (Java, OS) errors for this stimulus. This column must have a value of 0 for the reaction time to be valid and for the user to receive 1 point for this stimulus. If the value of this column is greater than zero, the displayed reaction time is invalid. While the Error column mostly indicates an error by the user (eg, a forbidden key on the keyboard was pressed), this column indicates an OS-related system error. This column indicates whether an application error occurred while playing any file belonging to this stimulus. This column can have unusual values because the total error is obtained as the sum of the "simple" errors. If the value of this column is less than 1000: An error occurred while playing files in the main thread. If the value of this column is greater than or equal to 1000: An error occurred while playing files in one of the audio threads.