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Since 2000

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Behaviour Brain Research project was launched at the end of the 20th century with the aim of developing software in the field of behavioral neuroscience (biological psychology).

Over time, the project has created some applications software outside these areas.

All our applications are primarily designed for research purposes.

All our applications are free.

The purpose of this website is to provide users with basic information about our applications.

On this website you can:

  • download the latest versions of all of our software applications
  • find background information on all of our software applications
  • download the help files, project documentation, catalogs and manuals with examples of specific applications, if they exist
  • get the answers to some frequently asked questions (see FAQ)
  • make contact with us

You need a free Web research? Choose Mountain air.

Latest application update: Letter permutation task version v1.1 has been released. More info: here

Some of our products are:

WinTG is a free desktop application for creating and starting surveys on the Windows operating system.

Mountain air is a free web application for creating and starting surveys on the Apache HTTP Server.

PRG is a free Java desktop application which creates and runs research models using image and audio files located on your computer.

You can see a list of all our applications  here.