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Since 2000

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Support Resources By Product. This page contains links to files (Help files, Data, Catalogs, Manuals, Documentation) we are making available for FTP download. In the file's description, under the Name section, click the appropriate link to begin downloading.


Name: wintg_help_v30_uk

Version: 3.0 and above

Description: This archive include WinTG examples, documentation and Help files for WinTG program in English language.

Format: .zip (Size: 743 kB).


Name: nettg_help_v10_uk

Version: 1.0

Description: This archive include setup documentation for NetTG v1.0 program in English language.
Format: .zip (Size: 377 kB).


Name: wm3_help_v10_hr

Version: 1.0

Description: This archive include Help files and documentation for WM3 program in Croatian language

Format: .zip (Size: 47 kB).

Data related to this application:  This Access WM3 database contains 235 (154+81) records. Thanks to the students from Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb and Ivana Hromatko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor on the collection of these data.  Download


Name: wm2_help_v20_hr

Version: 2.0

Description: This archive include Help files and documentation for WM2 program in Croatian language

Format: .zip (Size: 39 kB).

Data related to this application:  The Access WM2 database contains 107 records. Thanks to the students from Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb and Ivana Hromatko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor on the collection of these data.  Download


Name: wm1_help_v10_hr

Version: 1.0

Description: This archive include Help files and documentation for WM1 program in Croatian language

Format: .zip (Size: 29 kB).


Name: redundancy_help_v30_hr

Version: 3.0     (help file version 1.0)

Description: This archive include Help file and documentation for Redundancy program in Croatian language

Format: .zip (Size: 28 kB).

Data related to this application:  Access database contains 527 records the two paradigms that have 18 items (Form M18 and N18):  Download


Data related to this application:  Access database with data collected from previous versions of this program (N = 216 records):  Download



Version: 1.0

Description: This archive include Help files for PRG program in English language

Format: .zip