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Behaviour Brain Research Since 2000 |
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are Behaviour Brain Research applications software free? All of our applications software are free. You are free to use it in any way you want. Check the legal regulations in force in your country. The warranty Each computer program (application) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If there is a program code with the application, it is mostly related to the GNU Lesser General Public License. You can freely use it on commercial or non-commercial websites or projects. Are Behaviour Brain Research applications virus, worms and trojans free? Yes they are. All our applications are malware free. Malware (malicious software) is the collective term for all kinds of programs with harmful functions. Malware is characterised by concealed functions which can trigger uncontrollable damage within IT systems or in data stocks through deletion, overwriting or manipulation. The category malware includes viruses, Trojans (incl. logic bombs) or worms. Our applications don't collect and spy any private informations from your computer. Are Behaviour Brain Research applications 100% bug free? No, they aren't. We can't quaranty 100% bug free applications. You use our applications at your own risk like other free or freeware software. All our applications are carefully tested. The risk that our applications can be harmfull for your computer or operating system is brought to a statistically negligible (minimum) level. Do you make changes to existing applications on demand? No. Download the source code and adapt it to your needs or hire professionals for it. Within the Behavior Brain Research project, we do not develop software for money. The Behavior Brain Research project is not commercial. I conducted and published a research with your software. Do I have any obligations to you? No. I want to make a commercial application based on a template from your software. Do I have any obligations to you? No. Software prerequisites I need for Windows desktop applications? Mostly you need only OS WINDOWS. If it is a desktop application that uses a database, you usually need: Microsoft Access or Microsoft Jet Database Engine. Only for some applications (WM2, WM3) you need MS .NET Framework. Where can I download Microsoft JET 4.0 database engine? JET usually comes along with the Windows operating system. If you have installed Microsoft Access, you have a Microsoft JET database engine on the computer. Are Behaviour Brain Research applications psychological tests? No, they aren't. Do you have customer support for Behaviour Brain Research applications? No, there isn't customer support for Behaviour Brain Research applications. Unfortunately we are not able to provide customer service assistance. Free applications usually haven't customer support. If you have any questions that are not covered in the help files or on our website, you can contact us. When I open the help file, nothing happens or empty content is displayed If the help file (chm file) does not display the contents, you need to unblock it. How can I change the language interface in WM2 and WM3 applications? You can change language interfaces in Control Panel before starting applications (Control Panel -->Regional and Language Options --> Regional Options). Why WM2 and WM3 applications exist in two different versions? For example, if there are differences between v2.1 and v2.1.0.1 when it comes to WM2 application? These are exactly the same applications running on different versions of Windows. There are two versions to allow users who have older versions of the Windows operating system that can continue to use this program. How to start the NetTG application on my desktop computer? NetTG is a web application that is primarily intended to work on asp.net windows web server. You must provide asp.net server host to NetTG works. I downloaded NetTG application. Do I need to install any addition software on my desktop computer after that? No. NetTG working on asp.net web server rather than on a desktop computer, and therefore does not make sense to install any additional software (such as Microsoft. NET Framework 4.5., ..) on my desktop computer. Is rent (hosting) asp.net web server free? In principle it is not, although there are also free of renting these servers. Of course, with the paid rental service server typically improves the service provided. Try your search terms on the web: "asp.net" + "host". TTT - the target flashes during the task. How to avoid it? If you notice that the target is blinking during the task, the cause is an oversized target size in the settings and / or an oversized target movement speed. TTT - an error warning appears (i-error>0) at the end of the task, and I did not change the screen size (r-error=0). How to avoid it? If a warning appears at the end of the task: i-error>0 and you did not change the screen size during the task (r-error=0), the cause is that the target size is too large in relation to the screen resolution. Alternative solution: use a Random generator for very large target sizes. A set of questions that apply generally to all web applicationsSoftware prerequisites I need for web application (for example WM4,WM5,..WM18)? Basic software requirements: Any web browser with ECMAScript 5 (ES5) or ECMAScript 6 (ES6) support. The rest depends on the specific application. On which devices can I run web applications? On all devices that support JavaScript (PC, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, mobile devices,..). The highest possible screen resolution is desirable. What is the lifespan of stored data in web applications? The data is stored on the computer (browser) on which you run the web application. They are stored in Window.localStorage. This data has no expiration time. How secure are the data stored in web applications? The data is not secure. Resetting the web browser or clearing the Browser cache / Locally Stored Data will delete this data. Anyone using your web browser can delete this information. Do not leave data on browsers that you do not control or are used by more than one person. Transfer the data to another computer program as soon as you are done. I used the same app on 5 different computers. I activated data storage. Is all the data in the same place or on 5 different computers? The data is stored in 5 different computers. Each computer has its own separate storage. I used the same app but on 2 different browsers. Is the data together in one place? No. The data is located separately in the 2 used web browsers. How to transfer data from web applications? At the end of each research the results are shown in tables. Copy the data and transfer it to another computer program (Table => Select => Copy => Paste). Newer applications have the ability to copy data to the Clipboard within Options and/or display the data on a separate blank page. I closed my web browser and forgot to transfer the data from the tables containing the data from the last research. Is there any help? No. Data is lost. I finished the research but forgot to turn on the data storage. Is there any help? No. Data is lost. How can I run your web applications?
Online mode is when you run an application via a web address in a browser (e.g. https://bbr.rot13.org/pmpt/pmpt.html). Offline mode is when you download an application from the Internet and then start it with a web browser on a path inside your computer (e.g. D:\my-path\my-folder\pmpt.html). What is the difference between online mode or offline mode? Offline mode is almost identical to Online mode. Some web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 11, do not allow data to be stored in offline mode. What are the benefits of online mode? Simplicity and full functionality. What are the benefits of offline mode? 1. Better control over stored data. If we change the web address or install a newer version of the application (which we do from time to time), you will not be able to access your data even though it will still exist in your web browser. If you want to keep the data for a long time, we recommend using the offline mode. Note that if you make multiple local copies of the same application (e.g. D:\my-path\my-folder\pmpt.html and (e.g. C:\my-path-2\my-folder-2\pmpt.html) data will be stored separately in two separate storages. 2. Speed. Web applications that use large audio files (such as ACT) will usually be more efficient in this mode. I want all data to be stored in only one data warehouse. How to achieve this? To do this, you need to customize the web application to work with the database. Databases are much better and more secure than the Window.localStorage storage methods used by our web applications. Unfortunately, you have to implement the database implementation yourself. That’s why we’ve developed a template that allows our web applications to interact with the database. This is just an example that is not ideal (it is outdated) and you can definitely improve it. It is almost impossible to make a universal template, because almost every user wants to store some of their additional data, which other users do not need at all. |